Are You Ready to Finally Lose the FAT and Grow the MUSCLES You Need to Dominate in All Areas of Life and Business?

Introducing the 6-Week Kill the Bitch Challenge

Presented by the Modern Day Knight Academy

Dates: January 6 – February 20, 2020
Location: Online, ending with a live meet-up in Los Angeles, CA.


This is for the man who’s ready to swap his flabby tits for chiseled, neck-snapping pecs.

This is for the business owner who made the mistake of sacrificing his health for his business…and now is paying the price.

This is for the weekend warrior who dreams of being the boss — both in the office and in the bedroom.

This is for the father who is tired of his children looking up to other men.

This is for the husband who is tired of ABC sex (Anniversaries, Birthdays, Christmas) and wants to bring the flame of passion back into his marriage.

This is for the man who seems “okay” or even “successful” in the eyes of others…but is secretly white-knuckling through life and on the verge of throwing everything away.

This is for The Project applicants who can’t afford the $12,000 TODAY to run with the alphas…but who are committed to doing whatever it takes to reach that level… and join us for a future class at a significantly reduced rate for being in The Academy (more on that later).


Whiners, complainers, quitters, hobbyists, mama’s boys, and most importantly…

This is NOT for anyone who’s satisfied with living with their Inner Bitch.

You must KILL the inner bitch — hence the name of this challenge. No negotiating, no giving in, no playing nice.

If you aren’t ready to kill your inner bitch…or if you’re offended that I would even mention it…click off this page now. 

Now, if you’re still here…


At its core, this is a 6-week physical transformation challenge delivered online and designed to build muscle, burn fat, increase strength and develop a WARRIORS MINDSET.

That includes…

  • Personalized daily workouts taught by a US Navy SEAL, a US Marine, and an MMA Fighter
  • Customized nutrition — because “abs are made in the kitchen” 
  • Daily challenges to push you out of your comfort zone and into your BADASS zone
  • Daily check-ins with extreme accountability — if you don’t check in, we’ll get your ass back in the game no matter what it takes
  • 24/7 access to your Instructors for questions and support

BUT — unlike other transformation challenges that only focus on the body, THIS is designed to transform YOU into a high performance human.

So on top of the physical training, you also get access to EXCLUSIVE Training Modules taught by military experts and proven warriors not normally available to civilians. 

  • The CONQUER Mindset training — forged on the battlefield by a Navy SEAL — designed to keep you cool, calm, and in control under the most intense pressure.
  • Emotional Discipline training taught by a US Marine — so you can turn your RAGE into FUEL.
  • The Fatal Funnel training taught by a SWAT Operator — so you finally stop letting your EGO hold you back.
  • My 6 Pillars of Entrepreneurial Leadership so you can dominate in business and maximize your income — whether you own the business or work as a team member.
  • Comprehensive training to tie all this together so you can master the four F-Bombs: Faith, Fitness, Family, and Finances.

Second only to The Project, this is the ultimate deep dive experience you need to shed your unwanted fat, your negative mindset, your self-defeating habits, and your self-doubt so you can become the ALPHA BEAST you were designed to be.


This is NOT another fucking “info product” or “online course” or “workshop” where you get all hyped up, buy it, spend 5 minutes on it, and then abandon it.

There is zero fluff or theory here. This challenge is action-driven, tactical, and hands-on. And with the level of accountability built in, you WILL be expected to show up and put in the work.

If you bitch out at us or try to “go at your own pace” — we’ll just punish you until you get back in line.

So if you think you can just “try it out” and then slip away into silence, just know that THESE are the dudes you’ll be pissing off:


Bedros Keuilian, founder of Fit Body Boot Camp a global fitness franchise and the Empire Show which teaches entrepreneurs to build Empires and create legacies, bestselling author of Man Up: How to Cut the Bullshit and Kick Ass in Business (and in Life) and creator of The Project.
Ray Care, US Navy SEAL, speaker, peak performance coach and LTD (Leadership and Team Development) Facilitator helping companies CONQUER the battlefield of business.
Steve Eckert, US Marine, 7 figure earning business owner and coach, Co-owner of LTD (Leadership and Team Development) an immersive experience to turn businesses and their employees into high performance profit generating teams.
​Matt Schneider, SWAT Operator, US Marshal Fugitive Task Force Officer.
Erin Alejandrino, Project Gatekeeper, VP of TruLean Nutrition – mixed martial arts expert.


The High-Performance Lifestyle Training (HPLT) Retreat, is a celebration of laser-focused like-minded humans. Surround yourself with individuals who want to improve in every aspect of their life. 

HPLT is a tailored three-day retreat filled with human performance growth activities in a team environment. Keynote speakers, sunrise yoga & meditation, multiple HIIT workouts, team runs, and custom apparel will give you the tools to empower your inner savage to come out and elevate the quality of your everyday life.

Date: February 20-23, 2020 Location: Los Angeles, California

As a participant in the 6-Week Kill the Bitch Challenge, you’ll get a FREE TICKET to this event ($2,500 value) as well as an exclusive meet-up on-site with your Instructors and your fellow challenge participants.


Future challenges may have other bonuses — but the time-sensitive nature of this bonus means we CANNOT give this out to anyone but our inaugural challenge participants.

Speaking of…

Your Future in the Modern Day Knight Academy

The Kill the Bitch Challenge is 6 weeks long, but the Modern Day Knight Academy is a membership program you can (and should) continue for LIFE to make sure you are constantly leveling up in your Faith, Fitness, Family, and Finances.

Future 6-week challenges will be granted automatically to all Modern Day Knight Academy members…

…and dues paid to the Academy can be applied towards a future application to The Project (normally $12,000).

Best of all, whenever you join the Modern Day Knight Academy, you’ll be grandfathered in at that rate FOR LIFE as long as you don’t quit.

And, as you’ll see in a moment, this is the lowest price you’ll ever see for an Academy Membership, so now is the time to go “all-in” and start living the life of badassery you’ve always wanted.


Since the Challenge begins on January 6th, we absolutely cannot accept late-comers and must have a hard cut-off at 11:59 pm on January 5th.

Once registration closes, this offer will NEVER be available again at this discount. All future Modern Day Knight Academy members will have to pay $650 or more per month.

This is your chance to be one of the FIRST. 

Your chance to start 2020 with a lean, chiseled body and the mindset of a predator.

Your chance to join a unique brotherhood of men who are dedicated to dominating in all areas of life and business.

Last call.